About WOD:
WOD = Workout of the Day
If you're not familiar with these movements, methods or even terminology, check out a class and/or give one of our 1 to 1 personal trainers a call!
Couch Potato Workout
(5-7 Rounds)
20- Sit down couch squats
10- Couch Dips
20- Moutain climbers
10- Side Plank Shuffle
10- Leg raise
10- Leg circles
(This is all done by using your couch)
A: 10 Push Ups N: 5 sets of Stairs
B: 1km Jog O: 20 Leg Raises
C: 10 Squat Jumps P: 1 min. Plank
D: 20 Burpees Q: 30 Star Jumps
E: 10 Squats R: 2 min Skipping
F: 20 Star Jumps S: 20 Burpees
G: 20 Lunges T: 30 sec. Plank
H: 1 min. Skipping U: 15 Squats
I: 45 sec. Plank V: 15 Push Ups
J: 3 sets of Stairs W: 20 Sit Ups
K: 10 Burpees X: 10 Lunges
L: 20 Squats Y: 20 Squat Jumps
M: 2 min. Plank Z: 2 min. Plank
Playing Cards
Grab any standard deck of cards and go:
Clubs = Pull Ups
Spades = Squats
Diamonds = Push Ups
Hearts = Burpees
*Do face value of the card drawn. Aces = 11 reps, King/Queen/Jack = 10 reps
Jokers = 10 reps of everything, 200m run and 25 abmat sit ups
For Time:
60 cal. Airbike or Jumping Jack's or Double Unders
50 Air Squats
40 Sit Ups
30 Push Ups
20 Pull Ups
10 Burpees
TRX Time:
Chest Press
Row Machine (300m) / 200 skips / 100 jumping jacks / 30 burpees
*Perform 4 sets of 12-15 reps each
Work on mobility/flexibility
1. 30 second jumping jacks
2. 20 air squats
3. 10 each side cross punch sit ups
4. 10 each side plank with rotation
5. 10 each side elbow plank arm lifts
6. 6 push ups
7. 12 (total) wall mountain climber
8. 12 (total) doorframe rows
Level 1 = 3 sets; Level 2 =5 sets; Level 3 =7 sets
Rest up to 2 minutes between sets